



海外渡航届の提出について/Report of Temporary Leave

TUT requires the submission of Report of Temporary Leave for the purpose of confirming the safety of students in the event of an emergency such as a disaster, incident, accident, or infectious disease at an overseas destination.
For any purpose, please be sure to submit the following documents when going abroad.

  • 現在、世界各国で新型コロナウイルス感染症が流行しています。渡航の予定がある場合は、必ず本学の海外渡航の取扱いに関するウェブサイト『学生の海外渡航について2023』と、渡航先の国や地域の入国制限等の状況を事前に確認し、必要な手続きを行うようにしてください。
  • Currently, there is an epidemic of the new coronavirus infection around the world. If you plan to travel overseas, please be sure to check the TUT website "Students' Overseas Travel in 2023" regarding handling of overseas travel and the status of entry restrictions in the destination country or region in advance and complete the necessary procedures.
提出書類/Required documents
  • 海外渡航届
    Report of Temporary Leave
  • フライトスケジュール(乗継ぎを含む)のコピー
    Photocopy of your flight schedule including transit
  • 海外旅行保険証券のコピー(クレジットカード付帯保険の場合も含む)(※)
    Photocopy of your travel insurance policy (including credit cards incidental insurance)
  • 渡航先のビザのコピー(※)
    Photocopy of the visa for the destination country
  • 承諾書兼誓約書(ダブルディグリー・プログラムなど学内のプログラムで渡航する場合)
    Statement of Acceptance and Pledge for study abroad programs such as double degree, twinning, etc.
  • 誓約書(私事渡航・一時帰国の場合)
    Pledge for private travel and temporary return
提出期限/Deadline 渡航の一週間前まで
By one week before you leave
提出先/Where to submit

豊橋技術科学大学 学生課留学生係(B棟1階)
International Student Section (1F, Building B), Toyohashi University of Technology

注意点/Important notice
  • 必ず指導教員(クラス担任)から押印をいただいてください。
    Please be sure to get a seal from your faculty member (class teacher).
  • 海外渡航届の裏面に滞在(宿泊)先の情報を記入してください。
    Please fill in all details of the country/city you plan to stay on the back side of your report.
  • 海外渡航届の提出後に、渡航計画の変更が生じる場合は、学生課留学生係と指導教員(クラス担任)へお知らせください。
    If you need to change your travel plan after submitting the report, please inform the International Student Section and your faculty member (class teacher).

(※)母国への帰省時は除く。(Except for temporary return of international students to their home countries)


*Since there are two pages, please print both sides.


外国人留学生用/For International Students

たびレジの登録・在留届の提出について/Tabi Regi and Residence Report

たびレジ/Tabi Regi


This is a free service that allows you to receive the latest safety information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japanese. For your own safety, you must register for all countries and cities you plan to visit.
In addition, the faculty members are also required to register for the Tabi Regi. They can receive the safety information of the student's travel destination without registering detailed information.
If necessary, please check with the Japanese embassy or consulate in your destination country, the website of the authorities, or the respective embassies in Tokyo for any other information.

在留届/Residence Report


Those who have a Japanese passport that stays abroad for more than 3 months are required to submit a residence report to the diplomatic mission abroad.

参考/Other Information
