Coordinator Training for Tertiary Education-Industry-Government (T-I-G) Link to Develop Local Industry Sector
Voices from Trainees in FY2012
Ms. Adelyna Juhari Sitompul
Ms. Adelyna Juhari Sitompul
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
This training provides an opportunity for me to broaden insight about T-I-G Linkage and International IPR system, Japan system and system of each country participant training. I can see the real condition of T-I-G Linkage in Japan by visiting the industry (identifying needs) and try to find seeds (technology and human resources) appropriate from the university so as to improve the ability of seeds needs-matching ability. This ability is needed by a coordinator to bridging an IP to the industry and convinced the government to provide support to technology transfer activities. This activity also will make cycle IP (Creation-Protection-Utilization) well done and provide benefits for all parties concerned.
I have been gaining a lot of benefits from this 42 days training. And hope someday could back to Japan for enhance my Intellectual Property Knowledge. Thanks JICA, Lecturer, Coordinator, TUT and all participants.
Dr. Nanik Purwanti
Dr. Nanik Purwanti
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
I did not know anything about U-I-G linkage before I join this training. I have gained much more knowledge and experiences than I expected through this training. The U-I-G linkages have been implemented in my institution but they may not follow the ideal concepts as those taught in the training. Comprehensive implementation of U-I-G linkage and involvement of the three elements together will provide larger impacts to those elements and the society. I may have difficulties in implementing my action plans related to U-I-G linkage. However, the knowledge and the experiences I acquired through this training will provide me clearer ideas on what to do and what could be the back-up plans I need to have to achieve my goals. At last, thanks to ICCEED, TUT, JICA, and the lecturers!
Mr. Samly Boutsady
Mr. Samly Boutsady
Department of Industry, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDR.
I'm a very lucky one who has been selected to participate the coordinator training on UIG link and act as researcher. Before that I had no idea about UIG and what kind of its benefits. However, after the training I can see the clear picture how useful of UIG for every nation for their economic development as well as new technology transferring. During my stay in Toyohashi. I tried my best to learn and obtain the information provided by lecturers as much as possible particularly the basic technique on searching for seeds. The UIG linkage is very necessary for local industry to match their needs. Frankly speaking, to adopt this system in my country is not so easy due to we are facing several problems i.e. seed database, IP. I'm sure that it would be better to start from now and begin from small to big then we can improve ourselves and contribute to our economy.
Beside this, the home stay programme was impressed to me, because it was first time in my life to live with Japanese family, they are very kind and I can learn about Japanese culture and their daily life style. I feel that Japanese life style is similar to my culture, however the development status and comfort in Japanese family is far advance compare to Lao or my family, so if I have chance to come to Japan and stay with Japanese family again I could learn more about Japanese culture and life style. Finally I would like to take this opportunity to convey my great thanks for JICA as well as to my home stay host to provide me this golden chance so I will never forget in my life.
Kobchai LaiLai! Domo Arigato gozaimazu! Thank you very much.
Mr. Sergio Eduardo Perez Zambrano
Mr. Sergio Eduardo Perez
SEDEC NL, Mexico, Mexico
The organization of this training was great. It was helpful in many ways.
I was able to understand the process of UIG in Japan; I could understand the stage where other countries are in comparison with mine. And, I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people and a wonderful country.
I leave Japan with so much learning, many experiences, a lot of plans for the future and great friends. Thank you very much!
Mr. Phonexay Vilakone
Mr. Phonexay Vilakone
National University of Laos, Lao PDR
First of all I would like to thanks and gratitude to the Japanese Government, JICA representatives, program and training coordinator to give me a good opportunity to come to Japan as a U-I-G Linkages. Toyohashi University of Technology administrator, staffs and coordinators for share their knowledge, brings the comfortable of my life in Japan during the training time.
This training course is very useful to my country in the field of to increase the ability of human resources (researcher) from their research for university and themselves to the level of industrial's need on develop their product and give the knowledge about the useful of IP and how to access to IP to researcher and industrial. This training also brings me to know the way of working between University-Industrial-Government Linkages. Thank you.
Mr. Marianito P. Gallego Jr.
Mr. Marianito P. Gallego Jr.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Philippines
Best quality and clearly understandable lectures were made possible with the presence of expert professors who bring us at the heart of their experiences. The free and easy access to TUT internet facility was a key element in the conduct of exercises. Momentous are the recommendations shared especially by Ms. Sato for complex but adaptable UIG framework, Dr. Kato for the easy understanding of IP realm, Dr. Hozumi and Mr. Yogo for the Need-Seed experience with Honda and Bynas, Mr. Murakami for the reality in Technology Transfer, and Mr. Mizutani for the vital technology growth aided by the Ban san Famliy during the home stay that completes my appreciation of some social and cultural upbringing of Japan.
The challenging involvements of speakers from the Science Create, the Chubu TLO, Aichi Prefectural Government, JPAA, JIII and METI in inventions and patenting procedures made me realize the need for very accommodating Patent Firm like Cosmos to complete the Japan IP Team. I may felt sleepy at monotonous activities and Nihon hand-outs, but the translation helps a lot in understanding the way of life and some essentials of the educational system of Japan especially with more site-visits.
Mr. Johnson Wechuli Nanjakululu
Mr. Johnson Wechuli Nanjakululu
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Kenya
I wish to first express my profound and sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Japan, its people, JICA and last but not least Toyahashi University of Technology, especially the ICCEED staff for providing me with this unique opportunity for training in T-I-G Linkage.
The aspects of the training course were covered by Lectures with a wealth of experience which made the training enjoyable and interesting. Practical learning that was carefully planned and executed by Visits of Observation/Study tours in particular to Nakoya, Science Create, Honda Electronics and BYNAS were not only captivating but motivating. The experience has enabled me to appreciate much more the need for "Monozukuri."
The training has equipped with the skills necessary to undertake high-quality sensitization process about T-I-G linkage. I'm taking back the knowledge and information to my organization and share them with my colleagues. I can't forget the diversity in nationality and professional background of fellow participants that broadened my views and enriched my knowledge and helped me in better understanding the T-I-G linkage As a Coordinator of T-I-G, the work is definitely not an easy one, but with commitment, determination and collaboration, strong T-I-G linkage can be achieved in my country for Sustainable Economic Development.
I wish to extent my heartfelt gratitude the coordinator, Goto san, Yogo san and Shikami San for their patience and kindness which made us feel at home. A challenge whispered to Shikami san, was a problem solved ASANTENI SANA/Arigato gosaimusata.
Dr. Jutharat Ahchawarattaworn
Dr. Jutharat Ahchawarattaworn
Ministry of Industry, Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Bureau of Logistics, Thailand
The experience and knowledge that I have learned from this training is valuable to my working life. Regarding to the UIG linkage, Ministry of Industry is directly responsible for industrial development. Our current action would be called as a coordinator; we are seeking for the seeds corresponding to the needs of industrial group, not individually. However, there are also many semi-governmental offices and private companies serving the specific needs of individual enterprise. In order to promote industries and national education system, university is our first priority for the seeds. However, to enhancing the quality of national projects, all projects are opened to public and not only university but research institutes or private companies can propose their technical proposal for the project auction annually. Although I cannot apply the UIG linkage to my office straight away, I am confident that I can adapt it to my work and also disseminate my experience and knowledge to other people in my country, especially the people in the education field.
Lastly, I would like to thanks JICA and Toyohashi University of Technology to offer me the opportunity of sharing our knowledge and experiences. To every participant, I would like to say that the greatest thing happened here is our friendship; please stay in touch and we will see each other again sometime.
Mr. Palo Pokothoane
Mr. Palo Pokothoane
Lerotholi Polytechnic, Lesotho
From the time I was reading the documentation that was sent with the application forms, I liked the T-I-G concept and recognized its potential to change Lesotho's industrial landscape and set a stage for economic growth.
Having now gone through the course, it was a rewarding experience indeed. Study materials were good and the delivery method was well thought out. Exercises during lectures increased my active participation and boosted my confidence. Let me hasten to also point out that the hands-on seeds-needs matching practicals during site visits made me appreciate that, a seemingly simple exercise of matching, may not be that simple in the practical situation.
I have also learned that U-I-G coordinator needs to have functional literacy on scientific principles, IP system, U-I-G linkage coordination, good communication skills and have a lot of patience.
I would like to register my sincere gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to TUT university ICCEED, Prof. Hozumi and our lecturers for a job well done, to JICA for affording me the opportunity to participate in this course and to my Home Stay host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Matsuoka. A big thanks also goes to Shikamisan our guide and interpreter for her unvarying support in making our lives easy in Japan. Lastly I would like to thank my fellow participants for their cooperation and support that created conducive learning environment for me. Arigato gosaimasu Thank you very much.
Kea leboha haholo.
Dr. Jonathan Rivera Dungca
Dr. Jonathan Rivera Dungca
De La Salle University, Philippines
"My mother once told me... son, you still have your brain and your two hands..." These words were uttered by one of the lecturers, Mr. Mizutani, in the U-I-G Coordinators' Training at Toyohashi University of Technology on October 19th, 2012. These words really struck me and made me realize on the importance of self reliance, determination, and hard work to succeed.
The importance of the linkage among the triumvirate ? the University, Industry and Government (U-I-G)- in the development of a country, particularly Japan, was given a special emphasis in this training. Success cases among the triumvirate were also shared by the lecturers, which equipped the participants with a better understanding about U-I-G linkage. There were interesting discussions among the participants especially during the needs analyses and needs-seeds matching preparations. Company visits (Honda Electronics and Bynas, Cosmos Patent Office) and visits to other offices (Aichi Prefecttural Government, Nagoya University, JPAA, JIIII and METI) exposed the participants on the roles played by these companies and offices to the success of an U-I-G linkage.
I have learned a lot from this training, not only from the organizers and the lecturers, but also from the other participants. The participants have different professional backgrounds which made the discussions very interesting but fun. Most of all, friendships have been created among the participants (and organizers), which made the training more enjoyable and memorable. I will surely miss all of them.
[Note: the following sentence was originally written in Japanese.] Lastly, but not the least, I appreciate from the bottom of my heart for JICA and Prof. Hozumi of Toyohashi University of Technology that organized the training.