Coordinator Training for Tertiary Education-Industry-Government Linkage to Develop Automobile Supporting Industries
Voices from Trainees in FY2008
Mr. Witantyo
Mr. Witantyo
Lecturer and Researcher at Mechanical Engineering Department FTI-ITS, Ministry of National Education (Indonesia)
I would like to say thank you for the opportunity to become a JICA trainee. The training was very beneficial for me, not only intellectual capabilities but also cultural experiences.
Though University-Industry linkage was not new to me but it helps me understand better the way Japanese develops its industries to become world class player. The Government support to foster the U-I linkages and TLO functions were also something new knowledge for me. Generally, training was very productive and organized exceptionally well. The method was excellent and the targets were mostly achieved. Sharing experience and cultural exchange with other participants were also very useful and became important lesson for me.
I really enjoyed living in Toyohashi despite the language barrier. Japanese were very polite and friendly, but they were also extremely punctual and discipline. The city was beautiful, clean and regulated well. In general, my experience in Japan impressed me very much and I hope that good things in Japan would be also happen in my country in near future.
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