Coordinator Training for Tertiary Education-Industry-Government Linkage to Develop Automobile Supporting Industries
RVoices from Trainees in FY2007
Dr. Alper T. Calik
Dr. Alper T. Calik
Researcher and Teaching Assistant / Mechanical Faculty Automative Division ('07) Istanbul Technical University (Turkey)
Konnichiwa!! First of all, I would like to thank for providing JICA training program and experience in Japan. This training was very helpful and beneficial for me. It helped me to understand Japanese approach to U-I relations, IP policy and I had new experiences with U-I needs-seeds match training and in actual application (OJT). I hope that I can transfer some (hopefully all) the knowledge to my country.
Lastly, thank you very much for all kinds of hospitality (a very nice home stay experience), kindness and efforts. Everything was well organized and thank you, all the people I met and to those of whom I don't know the sincere and kind efforts.
Arigato Gozaimasu.
Dr. Indrawanto
Dr. Indrawanto
Assistant Professor, Institute of Technology Bandung (Indonesia)
I had not known about the topic of this training before I came to Japan. Although I have been interested in industries for quite a long time, role of coordinators and university-industry linkage is something new for me. Therefore, it is a real benefit for me to be able to attend this training that gave me a new program in inaugurating and developing university-industry linkage and I have understood how the process of university -industry linkage in developed country such as in Japan is implemented.
Sharing experiences and cultural exchange with other participants are also very important lessons I learned. I wish this training might open possibility to do international cooperation among the participants' countries and Japanese universities and Institute.
I really enjoyed my stay in Japan where I experienced many good things that I really expecting to happen also in my country. I would to thank to JICA, TUT, ICCEED, and Faculty staff that have organized this training as well.
Dr. Kalpana Mathur
Dr. Kalpana Mathur
Professor and Director/Educational Multimedia Research Centre ('01), Dean/Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, Jai Narain Vyas University ('05) (India)
The training program is very effective in meeting its objectives of building the basic concept of University-Industry linkage and to provide guidelines for U-I linkages to be sustained.
Toyohashi gave me a lifetime experience of friendly and kind people despite the language barrier. The life style discipline is amazing. The comfort level during the stay because of safe and secure in Japan.
My gratitude for this wonderful opportunity of learning, understanding and applying.
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