

2009 受入

International University Exchange Programme for Young Engineers 2009

Theme of Programme

International University Exchange Programme for Young Engineers
-Possibilities of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for the environmental problems-


Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) has been organizing international exchanging activities since the foundation of the university through ODA projects in ASEAN countries.

TUT has also conducted student exchange programme with universities in Indonesia since 2003.

This student exchange programme provides students with opportunities to expose them to international academic atmosphere as well as to learn English communication skills and the role of engineers.

Programme Duration

From 24th November to 30th November, 2009


Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT), Toyohashi, Japan

Objective of the Programme

This year's programme offers a number of activities including lectures, a workshop, an industrial visit, home stays and other cultural activities.

International University Exchange Programme for Young Engineers 2009 is hosted by Toyohashi University of Technology and invites students and academics from Indonesia and Vietnam.

This year programme focuses on Possibilities of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for the environmental problems.

Therefore, participants will engage in an multicultural dialogue, facilitating the exchange of ideas about the role of science and technology and ICT in particular in promoting sustainable societies.

The diversity of the participants also facilitates the discussion of social and cultural factors in these socio-technical areas.

Participating Universities

  • Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT)
  • Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
  • College of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
  • Madania Progressive Indonesian School

Main activities

  • Student seminar on Possibilities of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for the environmental problems
  • Laboratory visit in TUT
  • Factory and Cultural visits in Nagoya, Japan
  • Lectures and workshop activities

Student participation

Students had a preparation period in which they reviewed basics about the environment and ICT before coming to Japan.

This preparation was an important factor in order to get an active participation along the programme and particularly during the two lectures and the workshop.

Students were organized into groups of four to six students who exchanged ideas in order to understand the nature and impact of environmental problems and to provide possible solutions.

Each group was assigned one specific environmental problem.


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