Toyohashi University of Technology

International Cooperation Center for Engineering Education Development

ICCEED(International Cooperation Center for Engineering Education Development)


International University Exchange Programme - Seminars for Young Engineers

TUT has annually held International University Exchange Programme for Young Engineers in order to develop internationally active engineers and to promote mutual understandings among students in different countries.

Students from TUT and universities overseas learn and discuss technological, environmental, social, and ethical issues in a global context, and jointly take part in various cultural exchange activities in the programme.

ICCEED has been deeply engaged in planning and implementation of this programme in cooperation with related committees and International Affairs Division of the Administration Bureau since the programme was initiated in 2003.

Discussion themes and places of the programmes are listed as follows:

ITB-TUT Students Collaboration to Solve Community Problems (at Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) in FY2012)

Toward Safer and Sustainable Future: a Disaster Risk Reduction (at Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) in FY2011)

Global Societies and the Role of Engineers (at TUT (Japan) in FY2010)

Possibilities of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for the Environmental Problems (at TUT (Japan) in FY2009)

Considering "Sustainable Societies" from the Field of Manufacturing (at Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) in FY2008)

Global Warming and the Role of Engineers (at Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) in FY2007)

Seeking Technologies for International Disaster Prevention (at Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) in FY2006)

Toward 'Sustainable Engineering' (at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) in FY2005)

Seeking Technologies for Sustainable Society, for Living Together in Culturarlly Diversified Region (at Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) , Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) and Thammasat University (Thailand) in FY2004)

With the Aim of Becoming Engineers Qualified Internationally (at Tokyo Institute of Technology and TUT, Japan, in FY2003)

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